- Registration errors are displayed after the registration has been submitted. The reason for the error will be stated in the "status" field.
Typical registration errors include:
- Prereq and test score error - This message means that you have not completed the prerequisite requirement for entry into the course. Transfer students whose course work has not been evaluated and entered into the LSCC computer system will get this error message unless an advisor has entered an override. See an advisor for override information.
- Closed section error - This message means that there are no longer seats available in the course that you have selected. Choose another section.
- Coreq and the name of a course - This message advises you that you are attempting to register for a course that has a co-requisite requirement. Choose a section of the required co-requisite to add to your schedule.
- Time conflict with . . . - This message advises you that you are attempting to register for a course that meets at the same time as a course for which you previously registered. Choose another section.
- Course is not available for registration at this time - This message advises you that the course has been canceled. Choose another section.
If you receive an error message that is not defined above, please contact the HELP desk at 352-323-3601 for assistance.
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